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Ethical principles

Equality and dignity

Wonder takes advantage of diversity by following principles of inclusion and collaboration, guaranteeing the same treatment for all employees and protecting them from prejudice or discriminatory acts.

We are responsible for guaranteeing a work environment that does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or disabilities.


All activities and processes are performed with the maximum trasparency and we encourage cooperation at all levels and the free circulation of ideas around the company. Wonder offers all its employees equal access to information and opportunities.

Good conduct

Wonder promotes models of conduct based on honesty, integrity, correctness and reciprocal respect. Employees, suppliers and collaborators are committed to behaving in this way by making their own contribution on a daily basis to disseminating a responsible way of doing business.

At Wonder an organisational model under Italian Legislative Decree 231 has also been implemented, an integral part of our company’s philosophy. The following have been defined:
- an anti-corruption policy;
- a code of conduct for staff;
- an ethical whistle-blowing policy that enables anyone to report breaches of the code of conduct without fearing that they will suffer the consequences.